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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

❤ Thosand apologies to everyone. ❤

Firstly, I want to apologize to my beloved sayang.

❤ ZACK ❤

I may not be the best girl you ever had.
I've done many sins.
People make mistakes, I guess.
I regret everything I've done.
But I'm still trying my hardest to achieve your love.
All I want is just your heart.
Sorry if you can't feel my love.
Or how much I cared for you.
I always cared for you.
And most of all, I always love you.
Your words and actions may seem harsh.
But I'll still be here.
To guide you along your way.
I'll be the girl that you will always remember.
I'll be the girl that you will spend your last moments with.
To wipe away your tears.
To always be there for you.
Trust me sayang.
I'll be a better person for you.
Owhh, And I'm sorry for raising my voice at you just now.
So sorry.
I love you.

And I want to apologize to my friends.

❤ ICE ❤

❤ MAL ❤

❤ REDH ❤

I know it seems hard for us nowadays.
Ice & Redh, babe.
You guys have to understand each other.
Understanding is whats missing in you guys.
You guys never understand each other.
C'mon !
You guys have been friends since secondary one.
Let's not all that go to waste aight.
Take the time off.
Sit down and talk.
Please !
Even I myself get fucked up hearing all these shit.

And Mal, babe.
Sorry if you're hurt by my words.
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings babe.
Just that sometimes, you joke at the wrong time.
Whatever it is, I'm sorry babe.

And to all 3 of you guys, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the change I made.
You guys know that me and Zack have high hopes.
Redh, I think you understand.
But Ice & Mal, you guys have to understand.
I have to change.
No worries.
The ELLA that you guys used to know is still deep within.
She may show up occasionally.
Please understand.

I guess I'll stop here.
Hope my apologies are accepted.

❤ ZACK ❤

❤ ICE ❤

❤ MAL ❤

❤ REDH ❤

You guys are the greatest people I've known.
I'll pray hard and Insya'allah,
Everything will be fine. =)

❤ E ☆ L ❤ L ☆ A ❤

❤ Meet my one & only Sayang ❤

Heyy people.
I have some information to share.
It's about ... SAYANG !
Alright. Just wanna share some stuffs about sayang.
I mean, why not right?
He's a part of me too!
Let's start with the basics.
His name is ,
❤ ZACK ❤

Well, that's what usually people call him lah.
But I call him ,


Me and sayang have been together for about a year ++ going 2 years.
Yeahh, my longest relatonship ever. His too !
Our combined name ?

❤ ZaCkyLLa ❤

We have high hopes. Really, really high hopes.
We're planning to get married in 2013, maybe?
And we've planned our childrens' names already.
If it were to be a boy, it's Zackaria Ell'yasa.
If it were to be a girl, it's Ellyanie Zaiyana.
Yeahh, maybe TOO high hopes. But love makes the world go round.
So why not go for it ? If there's trust, there's everything. Agree?
Alright, till here then.
❤ E ☆ L ❤ L ☆ A ❤